This is a quick walkthrough for Very Vile Fairy File. It neglects bonus points. Because walkthroughs can be spoilers, I thought I'd offer some general hints up front about what to look for and how to use clues. There is HINT (item) or HINT to see if you can do anything in a room. You also may wish to mess about with the leet learner. This is strictly a walkthrough, so I won't explain it here, but if you use the learner before trying a puzzle, you'll see differences and be able to guess what they mean. A brief overview: the leet learner can scan both areas (LL) or items (LL THING). You can do something with the zigzag rig rag, and it may be an even easier puzzle than getting out of the Wet Wood, but not right away. You won't need to be carrying that item through the Wet Wood. However, being able to guess what to do with the rig rag is a good exercise. If you figure what to do, you'll also be introduced to how the THINK command works. So let's leave the Wet Wood. It seems like there's no way out, with what you know. But if you listen carefully and pay attention to clues, you can decide what to do. > GET GOOD (1) Okay, you found your way out but now you're blocked at the Rift River. > GIFT GIVER (2) Oops! You fell into the Vined Vault, which seems to have no weaknesses. > FIND FAULT (3) But now you must deal with the Mean Mass. > GREEN GRASS (4) Now, ugh! The trash trap is so gross. You don't have the guts to face it, yet. Something about this room ... the Po' Pit ... > GROW GRIT (5) Now there is the cache cap with something on it. There's the gash gap and trash trap. This suggests ... > MASH MAP (6) An alternative here would be to BASH BAP, which is obscure but still sensible. After this, you've got one more room before you emerge aboveground. Now you need to fake your way into (not really) paying for a trip on the Trim Tram. > MIND ME (7) Okay, you're focused! Now the trim tram needs you to pay to get it started. There are three ways. > FLIM FLAM (8) The alternatives: FLIMFLAM with no space, or you can also try a SKIM SCAM. You climb out of the Done Den to the Fun Fen, finished with the linear introduction. It gets a little less linear from here on out, but this way through should be relatively quick. Now about that zig zag rig rag. It can become something more useful. If you already tried to change it and got the right command, you should see a (+1) by your score. That signifies something you tried will work now. > BIG BAG (9) You don't need to do this right now, but why not... At this point you may notice the wrong art. It's not critical to the game, but it's your first clear bonus point. > S The Real Rear has several possibilities. The Sage Sea may bound you from going further, but it may turn up a useful item. First, you need to show respect to the Ceiling Seer. > KNEEL NEAR (10) Now, you need to overcome obstacles to be worthy of the Sage Sea. Let's admit to one shortcoming ... > FEEL FEAR (11) ... and figure a way to go around it. > DEAL DEAR (12) A key! Keys always come in handy. There's one more thing you can do, but it will have to wait for later. You won't need it yet. > N Now at Fun Fen, you can just tell the Tall Tree what to do. > FALL FREE (13) This opens up the way north, as well as other immediate possibilities. The hive heap is tough to search through, unless you ... > DIVE DEEP (14) Now the vapor (vile) needs to be removed. > PAPER PILE (15) And now the fact finder is not sturdy enough to pick up, because it needs a ... > BACKED BINDER (16) There's something to the south you can polish off. > N There are a lot of ways to go in Creased Cross, but it's most helpful to go west at first. > W Okay, that stark store is suspiciously empty. > DARK DOOR (17) Hmm. We can do something with the door. > MARK MORE (18) We don't need the weird way yet, but why not? > CLEARED CLAY (19) > W History Hall has something to the west, eventually. But it can also become something else. > MYSTERY MALL (20) > LISTEN Oh, that's life. An even worse song crops up. > LOTS LAME (21) There are many ways to use Toe Tappin, including for a bonus point. This may give you clues for other ways to use it. If you play around, you may get rejects saying "hey, this'll work later." Or you may get rejects with SLOW SLAPPIN and FLOW FLAPPIN. SING toggles Toe Tappin's usefulness. > W The marred mat doesn't look like it's worth buying, but ... > HARD HAT (22) > E > E > E > N > W In the Shirk Shell, you need to do something to get the Jerk Gel. > WORK WELL (23) The Jerk Gel is handy for other stuff later. > E > LOFT LAND (24) > W > DREAMING DULL (25) How to get rid of the worst wave in the curst cave? > FIRST FAVE (26) What can you get from the tool tap? > COOL CAP (27) This will come in handy later. > E > S > E There are a few things to do here. You don't need to go east right away, but let's make it so we can. > BRIGHTENING BRIDGE (28) > SILENT SAIL (29) The flooring float is aesthetic but not useful. > BORING BOAT (30) If you try to enter the boat right away, it's still too boring. But you have a song in your head--one that can deflect that. > NO NAPPIN (31) > ENTER BOAT Jake G may help you. But he's asleep! > WAKE WHEE (32) Now he wants to give you hospitality. > TAKE TEA (33) Now he sort of expects payment... > FAKE FEE (34) Now you can go east to Lake Lap. > E > MAKE MAP (35) So now you have a handy map. But Jake won't help you if he's your co ... co ... well, something. > CO CAPN (36) Now you two can take care of what is hissing. > SNAKE SNAP (37) You find the cake cap in Lake Lap. Jake gets his rake wrap and flake flap, and it's all good. You automatically are sent back to Violent Vale, but now you will go somewhere else if you enter the boat. > ENTER BOAT Now you're all depressed! You have to fight through it two ways. First, to feel less way wrong... > STAY STRONG (38) Then, to feel that adventuring spirit ... > GLOW GLAD (39) Now Dean Duggan has something to teach you. The two commands below can be done in either order. > MEAN MUGGIN (40) > LEAN LUGGIN (41) > ENTER BOAT Now you want to use the clay cloak. > W > W > W Mean Moe's Clean Clothes could clean up something you can't quite wear... > GLEAN GLOWS (42) > HISTORY HALL Now to read that book, Poor Ponder for Fonder. It seems like rubbish, but maybe you can imagine it isn't? There are actually two homonyms that work equally well here. > YOURE YONDER (43) > OUT Okay, the Bold Bard needs to get into the Shoaled Shard. Needs an element of surprise. > SMASHING SMOKE (44) This gets you a cold card and a mold-marred gold guard. It's not a regular gold guard, or even a hold hard gold guard yet, but you will fix that. > IN > W > LENDING LIBE (45) Because you have the cold card, you get a useless book! Well, not so useless. We Whine: ME MINE seems like nonsense, but it has some ideas of why the Very Vile Fairy File is so effective. > SEE SIGN (46) Bam! Now the Backed Binder makes sense. > E > E > E > N > N Oh no! A pain peasant! > PLAIN PLEASANT (47) > W You have the key, but who is inside? > MORAL MAGE (48) Aha! Now you've fully translated the backed binder. Now let's go exploring to the east. > E > E You need to dispel the hit hound and get comfortable. > SIT SOUND (49) > FIT FOUND (50) > E The blaze is a doozy. How to get something less lethal? > WINDING WAYS (51) Boy! Manually mapping would be no fun. A song would help... > MO MAPPIN (52) The stuck stair must go somewhere! > LUCK LAIR (53) Okay, that's enough here. Now to set a trap for a bit later... > W > W > S > S > W > D > TIGHT TUNNEL (54) > W > KNIVES NICHE (55) You'll note you don't want to go back to the niche, because you know there's a trap there. But nobody else does. Maybe there's someone or something that deserves to be suckered. So now to find the poor sap to trap... or, should I say TRICK-TRAP SICK SAP? > U > E > N > E > DEAR DULL (56) > NEAR NULL (57) > W > S > W > D > W (58) Yay! You get a point for this. The mild mead will come in handy. The game also takes you back to the Gear Gull, who enhances your gold guard. You can now (sort of) deal with the odd peace in creased cross. > S > BEAST BOSS (59) > LEAST LOSS (60) > S > S > HEAL HERE (61) > N > N This time, you know what to do, and you can defeat the bull beast with a magic word! > CULL CEASED (62) That does for the bull beast! Incidentally, you can also say LUL LEAST. > FULL FEAST (63) You can't take it, but maybe you can use it in the future. > E > E > SO SAPPIN (64) > SHINING SHORE (65) > DINING DOOR (66) > PULL PIECED (67) > MINING MORE (68) Now you have a hold hard gold guard, and you are ready for what is way north. > W > W > N > N > SHOW SHIELD (69) > N > GO GAPPIN (70) > COUPLE CAPS (71) > CAST CAP (72) You need to dispose of Reeker Russell and his good gun. Now, Russell can become wimpier ... > MEEKER MUSCLE (73) And the good gun can go lame. > WOOD ONE (74) Now you are free to go north. > N Oh my! The bot board is in the way. You need numbers to stand up to them. > HOT HORDE (75) Okay, you need leadership too. > LOT LORD (76) Finally, you need a stirring battle cry. > GOT GORED (77) Hooray! It's a bit clearer now, and all you have to do is go through the go gate. All? Well, yes and no. You have something to not-do. > WHOAH WAIT (78) You can also say WHOA WAIT or WOE WAIT for full credit. Here in Tarry Tile, you've found the very vile fairy file! But what to do with it? You hate it too much to touch it. And the airy isle still feels woeful. That well worn hell horn! We should deal with that first. > TELL TORN (79) You still aren't cheerful enough. > MERRY MILE (80) This is something you may've seen right away, but it's the final thing you need to do. > BURY BILE (81) Congratulations. You win! I hope you enjoyed this.